61-year-old man, status post PRP. The inferior laser demonstrates 4-week-old laser burns.
Asteroid Hyalosis
63-year-old man with clinically visible asteroid hyalosis.
Branch Retinal Artery Occlusion
60-year-old man with an embolic BRAO. There was typical retinal whitening on clinical examination. The OCT demonstrates the area of the occlusion with an abrupt transition from the normal to abnormal retina. While not always required, the OCT can prove to be nearly pathognomonic in challenging cases.
What is SHM and why is it important?
EyeCarePD CEO Dr David Lederer has always been a strong proponent of a take on the classic teaching phrase “If you don’t know it, you can’t see it”.
Horseshoe Retinal Tear
56-year-old man with a horseshoe retinal tear following a spontaneous posterior vitreous detachment.
Proliferative Diabetic Retinopathy
39-year-old man with multiple large areas of neovascularization secondary to diabetic retinopathy.
Branch Retinal Vein Occlusion with Cystoid Macular Edema
58-year-old woman with obvious macular blood and retinal thickening.
EyeCarePD Newsletter – April 4, 2016
Recent lecture at Eye Health MD, continued interest in OCT, and new cases.
High Myopia with Choroidal Neovascularization (CNV)
42-year-old woman with choroidal neovascularization secondary to myopia.
High Myopia plus Macular Schisis
40-year-old woman with high myopia (-12 diopters).