Peripapillary choroidal neovascularization by OCT. Watch Now…
Your OCT 03
Membranes, Traction and Schisis Read more.
Your OCT 01
The vision was 20/50 which is better than I expected. And the patient was not very symptomatic. Read more.
Your OCT 02
VA=20/400. What is the diagnosis? Read more.
Retina Hot Mic Case Series 03
Cavitation and flat cysts. What is the diagnosis? Watch Now…
Retina Hot Mic Case Series 02
ERM and CNV. Can you see it? Watch Now…
Retina Hot Mic Case Series 01
Welcome to our new Retina Hot Mic series, where you get to look over Dr. David’s shoulder as he interprets retinal imagery and explains his thinking process as he refines his diagnosis. Watch Now…
Green Is Not Always Good
This edition of the EyeCarePD newsletter is about understanding the strengths and limitations of the RNFL analysis when considering a diagnosis of glaucoma. The INTERPRET: Glaucoma training software, which many of you have had a chance to play, is all about learning and practicing common skills needed to diagnose disease. However, we also all know… Read More
The Devil Is In The Details
This edition of the EyeCarePD Newsletter digs deeper into issues to think about when considering the utility of OCT to evaluate your glaucoma patients. With our recent post discussing the 2017 publication from the Advanced Imaging For Glaucoma Study Group, we thought now would be a good time to pick out a few of the… Read More
The OCT-VF-Glaucoma Relationship
This edition of the EyeCarePD Newsletter provides the basic background you need to successfully use OCT to evaluate your glaucoma patients. How do you follow your patients who are Glaucoma Suspects? What about those with definitive Glaucoma? Does your algorithm vary by the extent of disease (mild, moderate, severe)? In a seminal publication by Zhang… Read More